Although a bad back is often considered to be a characteristic of aging, you can be one of those happy people that have a healthy backbone structure even during your advanced years with the help of back exercises. Even if back issues have already appeared, exercising the back can help to solve aches and pains that might have gradually come on over time.
In order to get good results from back exercises, you do not need to work out for hours in the gym. Gentle relaxation and stretching exercises can have a great effect on the posture and condition of the back.
Relax your back
Today many of us spend a large part of the day in front of a computer, so it is really important to have the right posture while you work. Pull the shoulders back a few times every hour, and try to maintain this position for as long as possible. After a while, you might find you are back in your initial slouched position, but if you do this exercise regularly each day, in time you will probably be able to maintain the correct position a good part of your working hours. Moreover, you also need to get up from your chair at least once an hour, and walk around for a few minutes.
Lower back stretches
If you work from home, there is a great back exercise you can do several times a day, but you will need an exercise ball.
All you need to do is sit on the floor with the exercise ball placed between your upper legs. Your knees should be bent with your feet flat on the floor. Lean forward slightly so your hips are bent down toward the floor and place your arms around the ball in a hug like position to help support your body. Continue hugging the ball, as you let it roll backwards and forwards slightly. You should feel a soothing stretch in your lower back that will get rid of aches and pains caused by sitting in the same position for too long.
If you practice yoga, you will learn some of the best non-vigorous back exercises that will help your body to increase the general strength of not only the back, but also the important organs. Yoga is a great way to maintain flexibility in all areas of the body.
A simple yoga exercise for the back is the “Raised Leg Pose”. This will prevent spinal disorders and also help alleviate them. In addition it builds the leg muscles.
To do the raised leg pose, Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place your feet flat on the floor or mat. Breathe in, and lift your right leg up. Exhale, and place your hands around your right shin. If you cannot manage that, place them around the thigh. Hold for several seconds. Release and repeat at least two more times, then change legs.
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